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Sit internos culpa non soluta alias ea quidem reprehenderit vel labore impedit aut galisum consectetur. Et temporibus officiis vel obcaecati voluptatem est voluptatum repudiandae non ducimus tenetur.
All funding is disbursed to programs and services that fit within United Way’s three Community Impact Areas.
Helping children and youth reach their fullest potential. Our goal is to ensure children and youth are valued and supported members of the community with opportunities and resources to help them reach their fullest potential.
Supporting personal wellbeing and strengthening neighbourhoods. Our goal is to improve opportunities for people to access programs and supports that empower them to overcome barriers, build resilience, reduce isolation and be part of a caring, inclusive community.
Meeting basic human needs and moving people out of poverty. Our goal is to help people engage in their community by strengthening neighbourhood revitalization efforts, reducing poverty, and improving access to affordable housing.
United Way of KFL&A would like to acknowledge this traditional territory’s longer existence and its significance for the Indigenous people who lived and continue to live on Turtle Island.
We are situated on traditional Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and Huron-Wendat land. There are Métis and other non-status First People from many Indigenous Nations present in our community today. This acknowledgement symbolizes the United Way KFL&A’s first step, of many, along this path toward Indigenous reconciliation, in a respectful manner.
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