United Way strengthens the voluntary sector by providing training and workshops to local volunteers and boards of directors. Our volunteer Leadership Development Services program provides workshops and custom training sessions to nonprofit organizations throughout KFLA.
The Leadership Development Services (LDS) public workshops are designed for board members, staff and volunteers to develop the skills and knowledge needed to become effective and responsible leaders.
Professional Development Workshop: Essential Cybersecurity for Non-Profits
Date: October 8, 2019, 9:00am-12noon
Facilitator: Bill Hughes, Weehooey Computer Services
Location: Family and Children’s Services FLA
Not-for-profit organizations have financial and personal data that they have an obligation to protect; many may not be meeting the minimum level of protection. Learn what cybersecurity and information security mean and how to kick-start your information security program.
Download the 2019-2020 LDS Workshop Series Schedule
LDS Workshops are sponsored by KPMG.